What is Dwellingup Futures and the Dwellingup Structure Plan?
Dwellingup has been through a sustained period of reinvestment in recent years, evolving from a largely forestry and mining-based economy to a tourism destination.
Being just an hour and a half from Perth, this transformation is being led through significant investment in Lane Poole Reserve, development of the Dwellingup Trails and Visitor Centre and adventure trails.
The local demographic is also shifting, led by regional population growth, tree change retirement and employment availability. This transition represents an exciting opportunity but also challenging opportunity for local business and the existing community.
To plan and manage for this anticipated change and growth, the Dwellingup Futures Road Map 2021-2036 Project was initiated to work towards a shared vision for the future of the town. The project has brought together the experience and expertise of a range of stakeholders and groups, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives were captured and ultimately resulting in a vision for the town being:
“Future growth in Greater Dwellingup will emanate from making the most of our best assets – enhancing our natural resources, sharing our cultural heritage, supporting pur people, and maintaining our smalltown charm.”
To align with this renewed vision, the Dwellingup Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) has been prepared to inform strategic planning efforts and guide land use and development of the area over the next 10-15 years.
The PSP builds upon and updates the approved 2012 Dwellingup Structure Plan, incorporating measures to achieve the aspirations of the Dwellingup Futures Road Map 2021-2036 project, as well as updates to relevant technical data, including a more contemporary response to servicing and bushfire management.
The Shire welcomes feedback on the draft Structure Plan and is completing a range of community consultation opportunities including community briefings, drop-in sessions, and online feedback via this webpage.