Pay Your Rates

You can pay your rates online, in person, by post or by email. It’s cheapest to pay your rates upfront but there are other options if you’re unable to. These include:

  • Rates smoothing
  • Special payment arrangement
  • Direct debit instalments. 

Rates are paid quarterly and due 35 days after issue (including payment of any arrears, plus one quarter of the current rates and service charges). If you pay after this, interest is charged. There is a late payment penalty of 11 per cent per annum. This accrues daily until the balance is paid in full.

The balance is payable in three equal instalments at two monthly intervals as detailed on the notice. Interest and administration charges as outlined on the rate notice apply.

See Rates explained for information on concessions, objections and appeals and how rates are calculated.

Pay online and upfront

Pay online

There are no administration fees for paying your rates upfront and in full. 

Rates smoothing

Spread your rates across the year by making weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments. Payments are calculated using the current year’s rates charge plus 5 per cent and will be amended once the new rates are raised. 

Choose your payment option – weekly, fortnightly or monthly – and fill out a Rates Smoothing Payment Arrangement Request form. You can e-mail it to us, pop it in the post or drop it into the office. 

There is an annual administration fee of $30 and your payment option cannot be changed throughout the year. The payment option you choose will automatically continue the following year unless you notify us. 11 per cent interest is charged on overdue balances, and balances as a result of non-payment, until the payment or overdue balance is paid in full.

You can only use rates smoothing if your rates are paid in full. This is a pre-payment plan that commences in April each year (for example, payments commencing in April 2025 will put a credit on your assessment that will then be applied to rates levied in the 2025/26 year). 

Apply online

Direct debit payment arrangement

If you’re having trouble paying your rates due to financial hardship, you can apply for an alternate payment arrangement. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly. 

Fill out a Rates Payment Arrangement Request form and email it to us, pop it in the post or drop it into the office. 

There is an administration fee of $30 per arrangement. 11 per cent interest is charged on overdue balances.  

Apply online

Direct debit instalments

Organise for payments to come directly from your bank account. These payments will be deducted from your nominated bank account as per the instalment dates listed on your annual rate notice. 

Fill out a Direct Debit Application form and email it to us, pop it in the post or drop it into the office. 

Apply online 


Pensioner rebate

You may be eligible for a pensioner concession on your rates charges and emergency services levy if:

  • You have a Pensioner Concession, State Concession, WA Senior or both a WA Senior and Commonwealth Senior Health Card, and
  • Occupy the property as your ‘ordinary place of residence’, and
  • Are the owner or co-owner (a partial concession may apply) of the property or have a right to reside at the property under the terms of a will as at 1 July, or
  • Hold a long-term lease (greater than 5 years) in a retirement village, park home, lifestyle village or caravan park.

Pensioner Concession Card or State Concession Card

The rebate is up to 50% for rates, limited to a maximum (capped) amount of $750.

The option to defer rates may be available if the required criteria is met. For further information on deferment please visit the website.

WA Seniors Card and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

The rebate is up to 50% for rates, limited to a maximum (capped) amount of $750.

The option to defer rates may be available if the required criteria is met. For further information on deferment please visit the website.

WA Seniors Card Only

The rebate is up to 25% for rates, limited to a maximum (capped) amount of $100.

There is no option to defer rates.


Applications for pensioner rebates on your rates charges, water service charges, underground electricity charges and emergency services levy, can be made to us or Water Corporation. You only need apply to either authority. Your application will be effective from the day your completed application is received.

If you become eligible during the Financial Year

Please apply as soon as possible, as your rebate will be calculated from the day your completed application is received.

Change of circumstances

Please notify us immediately, if you:

  • Are issued with a new card or your card is cancelled/expired.
  • Your original application details will or have changed.
  • Sell or transfer an interest in all, or part, of the property or move to another address (if the property is sold and another purchased, a new application will need to be made for the new property).
  • Have a spouse who ceases occupation of the property.
  • As a WA Seniors Card holder, become an eligible pensioner or the holder of a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

Primary Producer Concession

The concession is available for primary producers who operate an approved rural pursuit in the Shire of Murray and pay rates on rural-zoned land.
Applications for the 2025/26 year will open 3 March 2025. Applications must be received by 30 April 2025 in order to be considered as part of the 2025/26 budget. 
To obtain a comprehensive list of criteria as well as an application package, visit the button below or call the Shire’s Rates Department on (08) 9531 7608

Objections and Appeals

Your rates must be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged. If your objection is successful, the rates will be adjusted and credit balances refunded on request.

Incorrect details

Contact us with 42 days of your rates notice date of issue if your details are incorrectly shown.

Property Valuation

Property valuation objections must be made to Landgate within 60 days of date of issue of your rates notice.

Information on how to lodge an objection is available on Landgate’s website.

Please note: Your rate assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged. In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted and you will be advised accordingly. Credit balances may be refunded on request.

Ownership and address changes

You must inform us of any change of address, ownership or occupancy within 21 days, to ensure our property records are accurate and rate notices are delivered correctly. Please notify us in writing:

By post: PO Box 21 Pinjarra WA 6208

By email: 


Resident change of details 

Phone number 



Update property owners on rate notice 

Business change of details 

Change of Details - Business

Interim Rates

Interim rates occur when the value of the property changes. Reasons for value changes include:

  • Completion of a new build
  • Improvements to the property
  • Demolition of improvements
  • Additions to existing improvements
  • Requests for rubbish bins
  • Subdivision and amalgamation.

The annual rate account issued by us for a property is based on information held at 1 July and rates levied are for the period 1 July to 30 June the following year. Interim rates therefore reflect any changes made after the original date of issue and can apply for to the respective and previous financial years.

The interim account may involve an increase or decrease in the amount payable depending on the change in valuation. In some circumstances instalment options will be available however this depends on the date the interim account is issued.

Commercial or Farming Properties

If the property is owner-occupied by you and is also partly used for commercial purposes, the rebate may be apportioned according to the ownership interests and the extent to which the property is used as a residence.

In such cases, a determination will be made on the extent of the entitlement to a rebate.

Frequently asked questions

When are my rates due?

35 days after issue. 

What is the difference between Rates Smoothing and a Direct Debit Payment Arrangement?

A rates smoothing payment arrangement is where your rates and charges are already paid in full and you are 

If I get a pensioner concession during the financial year can I still get a rate rebate?

Your rebate will be calculated from the day your completed application is received.

My property is farmed. Am I still eligible for a rebate?

If the property is used commercially, the rebate may be apportioned according to the ownership interests and the extent that the property is used as a residence.

In such cases, a determination will be made on the extent of the entitlement to a rebate.

What if my details change?

Let us know as soon as your details change. You can change your address online.