Emergency Management
Under the Emergency Management Act 2005, local governments are required to perform various tasks to assist communities in preparing, preventing, responding and recovering from various emergencies.
There are several committees and voluntary and private agencies that join forces to deal with major emergencies.
Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)
The LEMC meets quarterly to discuss Murray’s current emergency services, prepare plans in the event of an emergency and assist community recovery. LEMC gathers representatives from:
- Shire of Murray
- Western Australian Local Police
- Department of Fire and Emergency Services
- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
- Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades
- Murray State Emergency Services
- Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services
- Department of Communities
- District Emergency Management Committee
- St John Ambulance
- Alcoa
- Main Roads
- Water Corporation
- Western Power
- ATCO Gas
- Pinjarra network of schools
- Bedingfeld Park Inc Aged Care Facility
View the latest meeting minutes
Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA)
These arrangements are implemented to:
- Ensure a written understanding between agencies and stakeholders managing emergencies.
- Document the management of identified risks, including specific details on planning, response and recovery activities, and Hazard Management Agency’s and other organisations.
The Shire of Murray is currently updating their Local Emergency Management Arrangements and Local Recovery Plan together with all supporting documents. All documents will be uploaded when complete.
Emergency Services
Volunteers are an integral part of delivering emergency service activities across our district. There are five Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades (VBFB) and one State Emergency Service (SES) Unit operating within Murray.
Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades
- Coolup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
- Dwellingup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
- North Dandalup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
- South Yunderup/Ravenswood Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
- West Murray Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade