Phytophthora Dieback is a plant disease caused by an introduced pathogenic water mould, Phytophthora cinnamomic. This disease is a huge threat to local native plant species including Jarrah, Grasstree, Banksias and Peppermint trees.
The pathogen lives attacks plant roots and causes them to rot, often resulting in quick or sudden plant death. It spreads quickly by water, through root-to-root contact with infected plants and can be spread during recreational activities such as bush walking, four-wheel driving and horse riding.
To minimise spread:
- Avoid walking, riding or driving through muddy areas.
- Remove dried mud and soil from boots and equipment before and after entering bushland.
- Spray boots and equipment with 70 per cent methylated spirits.
- Clean vehicles at wash down facilities before and after entering bushland.
- Use boot cleaning stations.
We are aware of various locations infested with Phytophthora Dieback – Kooljerenup Reserve, parts of Nambeelup and throughout the Northern Jarrah forests in the Scarp, including Dwellingup.
In 2022 we introduced portable dieback cleaning kits for any of our vehicles frequently going off road or into bushland areas. We are looking to potentially install two dieback boot cleaning stations where walking and riding trails meet in Dwellingup.
Myrtle rust infects and kills plants belonging to the Myrtaceae family including eucalypts, paperbarks, bottlebrushes and peppermint trees.
Myrtle rust can spread rapidly via wind, clothing, footwear, vehicles and equipment. Bushwalkers and travellers are urged to look out for signs of the disease and take precautions when travelling through bushland areas.
If you see signs of myrtle rust:
- Avoid contamination of yourself and equipment.
- Take a photograph – but do not handle the plant.
- Record the location of the infected plant.
- Record what you see (including species if known).
- Report the findings to DPIRD.
Myrtle Rust Fact Sheet