Owning a Dog

To be a responsible dog owner:

  • Microchip and register your dog by the time it is three months old.
  • Make sure your dog wears a collar with its registration tag attached.
  • Protect native wildlife from your dog.
  • Train and exercise your dog.
  • Take it for regular vet check-ups.
  • Keep your property clean.
  • When in public and not in an approved off-leash exercise area, keep your dog on a lead and under control.
  • Ensure your dog is securely and comfortably confined wherever it is kept.
  • Do not allow your dog to wander unsupervised.
  • Clean up after your dog.
  • Comply with the Animal Welfare Act 2002 and the Dog Act 1976.


Register a dog

Complete a Dog Registration Form

The following supporting documents and information may be needed:

  • Proof of microchipping and sterilisation (if dog is sterilised). You can get these from your vet.
  • Proof of exemption from your vet, if applicable. 
  • Pensioner concession card, if applicable.

If you are registering a dangerous or restricted breed, the dog must be sterilised. If you can’t attain a sterilisation certificate, please complete a statutory declaration form.


Prepare your payment as listed on the application form. Once received, we will give you a registration tag to attach to your dog’s collar. This helps us reunite you with your dog if it gets lost.

Sterilised fee Sterilised fee - pensioner Unsterilised fee Unsterilised fee - pensioner
One year $20 $10 $50 $25
Three years $42.50 $20 $120 $60
Lifetime $100 $50 $250 $125
Dangerous breed $50 one year renewal only $50 one year renewal only NA NA

Replacement tags

Replacement tags can be purchased from our Administration Office for $5.50 per tag.

How many dogs can I have?

You can have two dogs over the age of three months, as well as any puppies of these dogs until they are three months old.

If your property is bigger than 10ha and outside a townsite, you can have four dogs over the age of three months, as well as any puppies of these dogs until they are three months old.

To keep up to six dogs, you need to complete an Exemption application to keep more than the prescribed number of dogs.

There is an application fee of $150. This form can be returned in person or by post.

If you want to keep more than six dogs on your property, a Kennel Establishment Licence and planning approval is needed, along with health and building approvals.

Renew registration 

If you register your dog for one or three years, renewal forms will be posted to you, generally towards the end of the year.

Your renewal fee will be included on the form. You can also update your contact details, notify us of change of ownership or registration, or let us know if your dog has passed away.

Update your details

If you’re new to Murray and your dog is registered elsewhere in WA, transfer your registration. No additional fees apply.

Remember to tell your previous local government about your change of details and update the details with your vet.

Change of ownership

Adopting a dog? If your dog is already registered with us, complete a change of details form and return to the Administration Office, post to PO Box 21, Pinjarra WA 6208 or email mailbag@murray.wa.gov.au.

There is no fee for change of ownership. However, you will also need to update the details associated with the dog’s microchip. 

If your adopted dog is registered with another local government, we recommend transferring the registration. Please complete the registration form and make sure you have the dogs’ tag numbers.

Apply for a Kennel Establishment Licence

Complete an Application for Kennel Establishment License 

Read our Conditions of a Licence for an Approved Kennel Establishment and prepare the following documents for your application:

  • A site plan of the premises showing the location of the kennels and yards and all other buildings, structures and fences.
  • Two copies of plans and specifications of the kennel establishment.
  • Copy of notice of proposed use to appear in newspaper, if applicable.
  • Copy of notice of proposed use to be given to adjoining premises, if applicable.
  • Written evidence that a person will reside at the premises, or sufficiently close to the premises, to control the dogs and ensure their health and welfare.

Complete an Application for Kennel Establishment Licence and pay a $100 application fee. Return your completed application to our Administration Office or post to PO Box 21, Pinjarra, WA, 6208.

Once your application is processed and approved, the licence will be mailed to you. This must be displayed in the kennel facility.

Licence renewal is $200 each year and must be paid within 21 days of the notice.

A formal written request is required to vary the license conditions, along with copies of associated building and planning approvals.

Dangerous Dogs

There are three types of dangerous dogs:

  • Dangerous dog (restricted breed)
  • Dangerous dog (declared)
  • Commercial security dog.

Dangerous dog (restricted breed)

Certain breeds are identified by the Commonwealth Government as being particularly aggressive. They are banned from import into Australia and each state and territory has legislation protecting the community from these breeds.

The following breeds are restricted:

  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Japanese Tosa
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario.

This includes a mix of two or more breeds, one being a restricted breed.

Restricted breeds cannot be bred and must be sterilised and microchipped. It is also an offence to buy, sell or advertise restricted breed dogs.

They cannot be transferred to another owner unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as the dog forms part of a deceased estate, or the owner is deemed incapable of caring for the dog by a medical practitioner.

Dangerous dog (declared)

A dog can be declared dangerous based on its behaviour, including if it:

  • Causes injury or damage by attacking or chasing a person or other animal.
  • Repeatedly shows a tendency to attack or chase a person, other animal or vehicle.
  • Threatens to attack.

If a dog is declared dangerous, our Rangers will issue a written notice to the owner. 

You can appeal a declaration by contacting us or the State Administrative Tribunal within seven days of the issue of the notice. You must still implement the protection measures specified in the notice.

Requirements for keeping a dangerous dog

  • The dog must wear a collar with red and yellow diagonal stripes 25mm in width. One of these colours must be fluorescent. The width of the collar is dependent on the weight of the dog.
  • The dog must be confined to an enclosure that prevents it from escaping, from being released or removed by another person without the owner’s permission, and that prevents a child less than seven years old from entering or inserting part of their body into the enclosure without the help of an adult.
  • Warning signs must be displayed at entrances to the area where the dog is kept.
  • When in public the dog must be muzzled, kept on a lead no longer than two metres, and under the control of an adult capable of controlling the dog.

Barking dogs

Nuisance Barking Dogs information sheet

Barking dogs can be a nuisance. If you have barking dogs in your neighbourhood, you can have a friendly chat with the dog’s owner – dogs often bark when nobody is home and the owner may not be aware.

Please be patient with your neighbour and their dog as addressing behaviour takes time. Report a nuisance if they do not rectify the problem or you are unable to talk to them.

Dog attacks

What constitutes a dog attack?

  • Aggressively rushing at or harassing any person or other animal
  • Biting or otherwise causing physical injury to a person or animal
  • Tearing clothing on, or otherwise causing damage to the property of, a person
  • Attempting to attack, or behaving in such a manner toward a person that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury.

The dog owner or person responsible for a dog involved in an attack could be liable for fines up to $10,000 plus costs. Dog attacks must be reported to our Rangers as soon as possible so they can investigate and take appropriate action.

You can help by providing details such as:

  • Time, date and location of the incident
  • Who was involved and description of the dog/s involved
  • Detailed account of what happened
  • Details of injuries including photographic evidence, if applicable
  • Copies of vet bills, if applicable
  • Copies of medical bills, if applicable
  • Witness contact details.

Following a report, our Rangers will:

  • Ensure the attacking dog is no longer a threat to the community
  • Contact victims and witnesses to gather evidence
  • Mediate an outcome for affected parties.

Court action may be taken depending on the circumstances of the attack, including severity of injuries, quality of evidence and history of the attacking animal.