The following forms of temporary accommodation will be considered for approval:
- A caravan in accordance with the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 for a period up to 12 months for the purpose of constructing a dwelling (to be housed inside or behind a shed).
- A Class 10 Building (shed) for which a building permit (insert link) has been issued AND an approval to occupy the Class 10 Building (shed) as Temporary Accommodation is issued under section 144 of the Health Act 1911 for a period up to 12 months for the purpose of facilitating the construction of a dwelling.
Approval will only be considered on land zoned:
- Rural
- Special Rural
- Farmlet
- Hills Landscape Protection
- Or other similar rural-residential zones.
Your application must be accompanied by:
Site Plan (two copies required) showing:
- Location and setback distances for all development (eg: dwelling, outbuildings, effluent disposal)
- Setbacks for temporary accommodation are the same as those prescribed for buildings within that zoning, as determined by the Town Planning Scheme
- Location of natural features (contours, waters courses).
Floor Plan (two copies required) showing:
- Location of kitchen, bathroom, toilet and laundry facilities.
Your full application (including a complete form and supporting documents) can be submitted:
In person: Administration Office at 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra
Post: PO Box 21, Pinjarra, WA, 6208
If you are submitting your application in person, please bring payment with you.
If you are submitting your application electronically, we will contact you to arrange payment once your application has been registered.
Application Fee: $500
Renewal Fee: $164
Approval may be extended for up to a further 12 months, but only if substantial progress has been made on the construction of the dwelling. To apply, please follow steps three and four above.