Local government elections are held every two years, on the third Saturday in October. The next ordinary local government election will take place on Saturday 18 October 2025.
The Shire of Murray encourages everyone that is eligible to make their vote count by voting in the election for their preferred local representative(s).
Voting in a local government election is not compulsory in Western Australia, however, all electors are strongly encouraged to vote.
The Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) conducts the Election on behalf of the Shire of Murray, and it is a postal election.
All eligible electors will receive a postal voting package two to three weeks prior to polling day, depending on the service of Australia Post.
The package will include a list of candidates, ballot papers, instructions on how to vote and a declaration.
The next election will be held on Saturday 18 October 2025.
A full copy of the Election Timetable and additional information can be accessed on the WAEC website https://www.elections.wa.gov.au/elections/local.
An election package, including ballot papers, reply paid envelopes, a list of candidates, instructions on how to vote and a declaration are mailed to all electors approximately two to three weeks before Election Day, depending on the service of Australia Post.
Electors will have the opportunity to make their vote count by either:
- Posting using the reply-paid envelope provided, or
- Delivered in person to the Shire of Murray Administration Office at 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra, during normal business hours and placed into the sealed ballot box provided.
The Shire of Murray Administration Office will be open 8.00am to 6.00pm on Election Day.
Council Composition
Previously the Local Government Act 1995 changed the way that Councils are able to be composed. To respond to these legislative changes, the Council endorsed a Ward and Representation Review at its Special Council Meeting on Thursday 9 February 2023.
The Ward and Representation review resulted in:
- The method of electing the Shire President being changed to being elected by all electors of the Shire of Murray, instead of by Council; and
- Reducing the number of “Councillors” from nine to eight.
This means that there are five vacancies in the 2025 election and of those five successful elected, the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be elected for a term on only two years, from 2027 the Council will have 8 Councillors in total.
For the 2025 election, the terms of Councillors Douglas McLarty (Deputy President), Geoff Black, Stewart Carter, Stuart Kirkham and David Pike will expire.
The terms of the remaining Councillors will expire in October 2027.
Voting Method and Count
The Shire of Murray appoints the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) to conduct its elections via a postal vote. The WAEC appoints a Returning Officer, who oversees the conduct of the election. This includes taking candidate nominations and supervising the count on election night.
Election packages are posted to all electors on the Shire of Murray’s electoral rolls. Electors are to then complete their packages and return them via the mail or hand deliver into a sealed ballot box at the Shire of Murray Administration Office, 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra before 6pm on election day.
The count commences at 6.00pm on election day and results will be made publicly available via the WAEC Website once declared by the Returning Officer.
Replacement Ballot Papers
Replacement ballot papers are available for registered voters at the Shire’s Administration Office, 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra, during normal business hours and on Saturday 18 October 2025 from 8.00am to 6.00pm.
Optional Preferential Voting
The Local Government Act 1995 has also been changed to bring in optional preferential voting into local government elections.
Optional preferential voting is very similar to the way you vote in State and Federal elections; however, you do not have to assign every candidate with your preferences. You can vote for one, some or all candidates on the ballot paper.
With optional preferential voting, if the candidate you have given your first preference to is eliminated from the count, your vote will be redistributed to your next preference on the ballot paper. This process will continue until one candidate has the majority of votes.
For more information on optional preferential voting, please visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.
Shire of Murray resident
- Shire of Murray residents enrolled on the State electoral roll are eligible to vote at Council elections. Check your enrolment details are up to date at Check Your Enrolment on the WAEC website.
- If you are an owner or occupier of rateable property within the Shire of Murray, and meet the eligibility criteria, you are entitled to be enrolled to vote at Council elections. Go to Owner and Occupiers Roll Information below.
If you are not on the State electoral roll and you are 18 years or older, an Australian citizen and lived at your current address for at least one month, please visit the Enrolment Page of the WAEC website to enrol online or to download an enrolment form.
Shire of Murray non-resident (Owner and Occupier Roll)
If you don't live in the Shire of Murray but:
- own a rateable property
- own or operate a business in the Shire (right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument for at least the next three months following the date of application)
You must apply to be placed on the Owner and Occupiers roll by lodging an Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form or Nomination by a Body Corporate Form and lodge at the Shire of Murray Administration Office, via mail Shire of Murray, 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra WA 6208 or email to mailbag@murray.wa.gov.au. Links for these forms are provided below.
The electoral rolls close on Friday 22 August 2025, so please ensure your enrolment details are up to date before this time, or you may miss out.
State Electoral Roll
Residents who are listed on the State Electoral Roll within the Shire of Murray will be sent an election package in the post.
If you have recently moved to the Shire of Murray and are already on the State Electoral Roll, you will need to complete a change your address form by visiting the WAEC website to vote in local government elections.
You can check your enrolment status on the State Electoral Roll by visiting the WAEC website.
Owners and Occupiers Electoral Roll
If you operate a business or own property in the Shire of Murray but do not live here, you may be eligible for enrolment on the Owners and Occupiers Electoral Roll.
To be eligible, you must be enrolled on the State Electoral Roll where you live, and either own or have a right of continuous occupation under a lease tenancy agreement or other legal instrument to a property within the Shire of Murray. The right of continuous occupation must extend for at least three months.
Where two or more individuals jointly own or occupy a property, up to two of them may enrol. Where there are three or more co-owners or occupiers, written agreement from the majority must be provided.
Where a company or body corporate owns or occupies rateable land, up to two people can be enrolled to vote on its behalf.
If the same company or body corporate owns more than one property in the Shire, the body is still only entitled to have two nominated persons on the roll.
Inclusion on the roll solely as a nominee for a company does not meet the eligibility criteria for nominating as a candidate.
Occupiers and occupier nominees remain on the roll for two elections after their enrolment is accepted and are taken off the roll six months after the second election. They must re-enrol if they wish to continue as electors.
Owners of rateable property remain on the roll until the relevant property passes ownership.
Nominating as a Candidate for Election
To stand for election as a Council Member, you must:
The role of Council Member is rewarding and challenging, and can often be time consuming, demanding and complex but it also will give you an opportunity to contribute to the community and influence decisions that shape the future of the Shire of Murray.
Council Members have the opportunity to:
- provide leadership and guidance to the community
- facilitate communication between community and the Council
- help determine and review policy
- influence the local government planning for the future
- help to ensure the community gets the best possible value from its assets
- govern the finances of the local government through the corporate business plan and long-term financial planning.
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website provides more information on the role of council member.
Nominations for the election open on Thursday 28 August 2025 and close at 4.00pm on Thursday 4 September 2025.
Please ensure you contact the Returning Officer to book your nomination meeting. Note: The Returning Officer contact details will be provided when made available by the WAEC.
There is a nomination deposit of $100 that is payable at the time of your nomination. This deposit is refunded to the candidate if the candidate:
- is successful in being elected to the Shire Council;
- receives at least 5% of the total number of first preference votes;
- passes away; or
- withdraws their nomination before the close of nominations.
If a candidate runs for President and Councillor, and is successful in being elected President, that candidate's deposit for the Councillor election is also refunded.
The Shire will be in contact with all candidates following the election to confirm their eligibility for a refund and to arrange for those refunds, where eligible.
Election candidate signage and advertising requirements
There are a number of rules for election advertising and the Candidate should ensure that these are complied with. For information on your campaign advertising please go to the WAEC website.
Candidates must not use the following:
- Shire of Murray logos or crests
- Photos from the Shire's website or social media platforms.
Candidates may share Shire of Murray information with direct links from the Shire's website or share posts from the Shire's official social media accounts.
Declaring Electoral Gifts
Candidates and donors are required to disclose to the Chief Executive Officer the receipt, promise or donation of each gift they receive or are promised or donate in the course of an election campaign. The period over which you must declare gifts starts six months before the election day and concludes 3 days after the election for unsuccessful candidates and the day a candidate makes their declaration of office for successful candidates.
Potential candidates should familiarise themselves with the requirements of election gifts. These requirements are contained within Part 5A of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997.
Electoral gift register
Any disclosure of gifts forms relating to a candidate must be maintained on the electoral gift register untilopens in a new window the end of the period of 4 years after the relevant election and include both successful and unsuccessful candidates disclosures. At the end of the 4-year term they will be removed from the electoral gift register and maintained separately for an additional 2 years
How a disclosure is made
Form LG9A is to be filled out to declare an election gift and emailed to the CEO - CEO@murray.wa.gov.au. The gift disclosure will then be added to the Election Gift Register which is publicly available on the Shire of Murray Website.
Legislation requires the Chief Executive Officer to establish and maintain a public electoral gift register located on the Shire's website.
Contact our Manager Governance for any further information by emailing governance@murray.wa.gov.au or phone 08 9531 7777.
Where can I get more information about the election process and running as a candidate for election?
Prospective candidates are encouraged to:
Visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries websitepens in a new windowopens in a new windo for detailed information on becoming a candidate and running your election campaign
Visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission websiteopens in a new windowopens in a new window for information on making your nomination and required forms and the election process.
Helpful information links and forms