Dwellingup Futures (Closed)

Thank you to those who submitted feedback on the draft Dwellingup Futures Road Map during the consultation period.

The Dwellingup Futures Road Map was endorsed by Council at their Ordinary Meeting on Thursday 28 October, 2021.

Next steps:

  • Member for Murray-Wellington and Chairman of the Western Australian Planning Commission to be briefed on the finalised Road Map reports
  • Copy of the Road Map forwarded to the Peel Development Commission to seek approval of the Minister for Regional Development and if necessary obtain broader government support towards the community's aspirations contained within the Road Map findings

Developed through a multi-stakeholder process which kicked-off in late 2019, the draft Road Map presents a shared vision as well as goals, strategic priorities and key success indicators which aim to achieve the desired growth of Dwellingup by 2036.

Dwellingup has experienced a period of significant investment and growth over recent years, momentum that needs to be protected and sustainably maintained.

Project Timeline
  • 2019 Progress

    SWG and TAC meetings commenced November: FAR Lane in partnership with Roberts Day appointed as successful consultant December - February 2020: One-on-one stakeholder meetings
  • Community Information Session

    Tuesday 25 February 2020
  • TAC Briefing

    July 2020 Revise stakeholder engagement program - post COVID-19 social distancing requirements
  • Focus Group | Shire of Murray Staff

    July - August 2020 Review economic and land use trend analysis
  • Community Visioning Working Group | Expressions of interest

    10 - 18 August 2020
  • Community Visioning Working Group | Sessions

    24 August - 14 September Six sessions - check out the Community Visioning Working Group Terms of Reference for further information
  • TAC and SWG Meetings

    October 2020 - July 2021 - Testing the scenarios - Present vision and goals - Finalisation of draft Road Map
  • Draft Road Map Presentation

    Open to all stakeholders - Wednesday 11 August 2021 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Dwellingup Community Hall
  • Drop-In Information Session

    Open to all stakeholders - Wednesday 18 August - 2:00pm - 4:00pm - Dwellingup Community Hall
  • Public Advertising

    11 August - 10 September 2021 Draft Road Map open for comment
  • SWG and Council Endorsement

    October/November 2021 SWG and Council support and approval to proceed sought
  • State Government Endorsement

    Early 2022 Draft Road Map presented
  • Dwellingup Futures Growth Management Road Map Released

    Early - mid 2022