The Exchange Hotel

Project type Economic development
Completion date Spring 2024
Investment $7.5m

We are working on the redevelopment and reactivation of the Exchange Hotel to create a ’Regional Icon’ and destination hospitality venue to be enjoyed by local people and to increase visitation to Pinjarra and the Murray Region.

In November 2022, Council appointed experienced operators with extensive experience in operating and renovating heritage hospitality venues in Western Australia.

The incoming operators also demonstrate strong alignment with Council’s vision for the site to be a ‘Regional Icon’ supporting local producers and delivering products and experiences designed to appeal to a wide audience.

Business case

Concept designs report

Funded by

Australian Government

Proposed redevelopment

  • A contemporary and relaxed hospitality and beverage venue to service 600+ people and showcase the best of the region’s fresh produce
  • Flexible indoor and outdoor spaces for activation including a multi-purpose events space adaptable for private events, community events, conferences and weddings
  • A central commercial kitchen servicing hospitality and event spaces
  • Landscaping encompassing edible gardens and dynamic external spaces to explore, interact and engage with
  • Integration with adjacent public spaces to maximise opportunities for events and activation of the main street, recently developed Murray River Square and Foreshore and amphitheatre

To achieve the vision of the Exchange site and realise its associated economic and social benefits, we applied for and successfully secured $2,335,257 in round five of the Australian Government's Building Better Regions Fund - Infrastructure Projects Stream.

Council has committed to funding the remaining redevelopment costs (not including fixed fit-out costs) to demonstrate its commitment to restoring this much loved site as an epi-centre of activity for the community and visitors.

Economic and Employment Impact

Based on the redevelopment proposal, economic modelling indicates potential for the project to deliver $57.5M of new economic output in the first five years of operation to the local economy.

  • This translates to $11.54M of new economic output annually, calculated as follows:
  • 38,850 new visitors to the Shire of Murray per annum
  • $1.57M of new visitor expenditure per annum
  • Creation of 67 direct, indirect and induced FTE jobs
  • Demand to service approximately 20 local food enterprises

Background | History and Ownership

The Exchange Hotel was originally constructed in c1866 for Dr Thomas Bedingfeld as his residence and medical offices.

In 1871, James Summer Greenacre purchased the lots from Dr Bedingfeld and opened the Exchange Hotel. Greenacre previously owned the Queen's Hotel, in which he transferred the licence to Dr Bedingfeld who subsequently moved into the Queen’s Hotel – hence the name the Exchange Hotel.

From 1871 to 2008, the site operated under private ownership as a tavern/hotel.

In 2008, the venue closed permanently and in 2012, the Shire acquired the site in response to the community’s concerns about the future of the site, its growing dilapidated state and resultant impact on the amenity of the town centre.

Since 2014, Council has sought proponents to redevelop the site into a food and beverage facility and in 2019 conservation works were completed to preserve the building’s heritage elements including the 1866 Dr Bedingfeld cottage and the 1925 kitchen, dining and accommodation sections.

The works clarified for prospective development proponents, the sections of the building that needed to be incorporated into future development and de-risked the site through the completion of structural repairs and re-roofing including the installation of new roof plumbing.

Four formal commercial proposals have been entertained over the years, the most recent in 2019 when Council entered into a conditional contract of sale with a prospective proponent, which due to COVID-19 did not proceed.

The loss of the ready-to-invest proponent encouraged Council to investigate other options to reactivate the site and demonstrate strategic leadership to secure an outcome that would benefit the local community and ensure economic sustainability of the Pinjarra town centre.

In October 2020, Council supported progressing detailed planning, feasibility and designs for the Shire of Murray to undertake the redevelopment of the former Exchange Hotel.

Contact Details

Name: Economic Development

Phone: 9531 7777
