Special Event Application

Step 1 - Determine whether an application is required

You will need to submit a Special Event Application if:

  • Your event being held on Shire land or in a Shire owned facility
  • Your event is open to the public
  • You expect an attendance of over 100 people
  • You will have food available for purchase
  • You will have large amusements at your event
  • You will have animals at your event i.e. a petting zoo
  • There will be camping at your event
  • There will be amplified music at your event
  • There will be generators at your event
  • There will be alcohol at your event - sale and/or BYO

Step 2 - Review our Guidelines

Read the following:

Special Event Guidelines

Event Impact Matrix

Risk Management and Contractors at Events

Creating Accessible Events and Checklist

Terms and Conditions

Step 3 - Gather supporting information

Before completing an application, please gather all relevant documentation to your event. This may include: 

  • Certificate of Currency for Public Liability
  • Incorporation certificate
  • List of temporary food vendors
  • Details of temporary structures - i.e. tents, marquees, stages
  • Traffic management plan
  • Detailed site plan
  • Risk Management Plan

Step 4 - Complete additional event forms

Complete any additional forms that are necessary for your event and submit them with your Special Event Application.

  • Need help writing your Risk Management Plan?

Event Risk Register Template

  • Want to consume alcohol at your event that is being held on Shire property?

Permit to Consume Alcohol Form

  • Installing/altering/adding electric light and/or power to the premise as part of your event?

Certificate of Electrical Compliance Form

  • Are you organising a non-conforming noise event?

Noise Exemption Application Form (Reg 18)

  • Want to request the presence of a Shire representative at your event?

Shire Representative Engagement Form

  • Wanting to erect a large temporary structure for your event?

Temporary Structure Form (More than 55m2)

Step 5 - Make an application

You can opt to either submit an application online or download an application form to submit in person. 

Submit an application online

Download printable application form

Step 6 - Submit an application 

If you have chosen to submit your application in person, please provide your complete form and supporting documents either:

In person: Administration Office at 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra

Post: PO Box 21, Pinjarra, WA, 6208 

Email: mailbag@murray.wa.gov.au

Step 7 - Make payment

If you are submitting your application in person, you will be sent an invoice along with your approval.

If you are submitting your application electronically, we will contact you to arrange payment once your application has been registered.

Event fees and charges

Step 8 - Application Processing and Approval

We will contact you should we require any further information and should all conditions be satisfactorily met, we will issue approval.

The approval will reference specific conditions related to your event, which must be adhered to at all times. Failure to adhere to the conditions will result in an invalid approval.