Published on Friday, 28 July 2023 at 1:30:34 PM
The Shire of Murray Council moved a motion at last night’s Council Meeting to write urgently to Main Roads to address community concerns regarding speed changes in Pinjarra.
Shire of Murray President, Councillor David Bolt, said a number of fears have been raised by local residents since the increase of speed limits around the Pinjarra Townsite.
“The recent decision by Main Roads WA to increase a number of speed limits has significantly affected residents and road users. To act on these concerns, I raised a motion at last night’s Council Meeting and it was carried unanimously,” said Councillor Bolt.
A formal letter to Main Roads has now been prepared by the Shire’s Chief Executive Officer, Dean Unsworth, to voice resident concerns on Paterson Road and South Western Highway.
Specifically, the letter requests the speed zone change is relocated further north west from the proximity of households on Paterson Road. This will improve the residential amenity with greater separation from the acceleration/deceleration point from the signage and residential households.
It also proposes a 90km speed zone north of 53 Mile Roadhouse to past Carcoola Avenue on South Western Highway, before increasing to 110km. This would improve the road user driver environment entering or exiting the Pinjarra Town centre whilst improving intersection safety at Adelaide Road, Alcoa Road and Carcoola Avenue.
“Our two recommendations have been reviewed by the Shire’s engineering staff and are supported by officers. If these requests are enacted by Main Roads WA, we believe the risks and local resident concerns would reduce and overall safety of the road network around the town would be improved,” added Councillor Bolt.
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