Murray Movie Club - Erin Brockovich

Past Event

If you like talking about movies just as much as watching them, then this is the event for you!

Join the Murray Movie Club for a screening and discussion of "Erin Brockovich", the inspiring true story of woman who brought a small town to its feet and a big company to its knees.

Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is a woman in a tight spot. Following a car accident in which Erin is not at fault, Erin pleads with her attorney Ed Masry (Albert Finney) to hire her at his law firm. Erin stumbles upon some medical records placed in real estate files. She convinces Ed to allow her to investigate, where she discovers a cover-up involving contaminated water in a local community which is causing devastating illnesses among its residents.

Remember to BYO comfortable camping chair and movie snacks!

Popcorn, coffee, tea & milo will be provided.

*Please note this movie is rated M15+.

*Attendees must be 15 years or over.

Register now

Event Details

 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Location: Lesser Hall

Cost: Free

Category: Library


Contact: Amy Gibbs

Organisation: Murray Library

Position: Library Officer - Events & Programs

Phone: 08 9531 7684



Event Date(s)

  • Tuesday 18th February 2025

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