Environmental Sustainability Strategy (Closed)

The Shire of Murray has prepared a draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy that is being advertised for comment.

Background Information

The concept of environmental sustainability emerged in 1987, when the World Commission on Environment and Development created the concept of ‘sustainable development’. 'Sustainable development' means actions that ‘meet the needs of present generations without compromising the needs of future generations’.

Sustainability has three distinct but interrelated components:

  1. Economic sustainability - ensuring economic prosperity can be maintained over time.
  2. Social sustainability - ensuring all people, now and in the future, have their basic needs met.
  3. Environmental sustainability - ensuring non-human elements of nature, like air, water and biodiversity remain healthy over time.

The Shire of Murray’s environment is diverse, from its forests and bushland to its waterways and urban environments. The natural environment sustains life. It provides access to clean water, air and food. It also underpins our economy and the liveability of our Shire. Protecting and maintaining our natural environment is essential if we want it to continue to support the liveability and prosperity of the Shire.

The Shire however faces many environmental challenges, whether these be to our natural areas from past and current use, or from the global threat of climate change. These challenges will invariably continue as the population grows.

The Environmental Sustainability Strategy provides a vision, objectives and actions, as well as targets and a monitoring and reporting framework to help advance environmental sustainability across our Shire. It outlines the actions required for Council to integrate sustainable practices into its operations, as well as its community programs and services. The Strategy aligns with key Federal, State and Regional government environmental policies and requires the Shire to work in partnership with the community, private sector and other levels of government to ensure that we continue to protect and enhance our environment for current and future generations.

Community consultation has highlighted the importance of building environmental sustainability into decision making and this increasing awareness and importance of the environment is clearly gaining momentum outside the Shire. An increased focus on environmental concern is reflected in the Council’s Plan for the Future, including the increased prominence of Sustainable Development and the Planet. This Plan was informed by the community which clearly articulated that their number one concern was for the Environment.

The preparation of a Shire of Murray Environmental Sustainability Strategy is an action in the current Corporate Business Plan for completion in the 2022-2023 financial year. It is expected to guide the Shire’s environment-related actions over the next 10 years. It will align with the Shire’s Local Biodiversity Strategy, Waterwise Action Plan and Cities Power Partnership Pledges.


You can find a copy of the draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy here: Sustainability Strategy

You can find a submission form here: Submission Form

Submissions welcome

The draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy is currently open to all for comment. 

Submissions should be sent for the attention of the Chief Executive Officer either by email to mailbag@murray.wa.gov.au or by post to PO Box 21, Pinjarra 6208.

Submissions close on Friday 27 October at 5pm.

Who's Listening

Name: Tom Lerner

Job Title: Coordinator Environment Services

Phone: 9531 7777