Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP)

What is CHRMAP?

The Shire of Murray considers the management of the estuarine and riverine areas and foreshore reserves throughout the region, and the mitigation of the coastal hazard risk posed to the community, as integral to the Shire’s ongoing and future success.

Erosion and inundation are an increasing risk for the Shire of Murray, and to best protect our community we have developed a Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) to guide how we manage that risk

Our community have been involved with this work at every stage in the process helping us develop a plan that is practical, easily understood and based on the latest science.

Looking after our waterways is crucial for our community. Consequently, responding to the likely challenges of a changing climate and probable sea-level rise is a priority for the Shire of Murray. Our aim throughout this process has been to provide our community with the maximum benefits of our unique natural environment for generations to come.

There are two focus areas in this work: public land and infrastructure, and private property.

For public areas, we aim to provide outcomes where environmental, lifestyle, access and economic services will still thrive in an era when sea-level rises and their impacts are likely.

For private property coastal risks will need to be considered in future planning decisions. This will ensure that growth areas are located and designed to minimise vulnerability to coastal risks. For established areas the CHRMAP includes a series of short-term actions and longer-term pathways designed to improve the resilience of these areas.

We will continue to work with landholders to ensure that they can continue to enjoy and use their properties in the face of the threat of climate change for as long as possible.

Through this collaborative, objective and comprehensive study, with a deeper understanding of our coastal areas, the intent of the draft CHRMAP is to provide the basis for a long-term strategy to support future coastal management and planning decisions.

View full CHRMAP with Appendices

View CHRMAP Summary

Lower Murray River - Foreshore Stabilisation Guidelines

Self-Foreshore Stabilisation Treatments.

Shire in discussion with DWER, has identified the need for a standardised approach to guide erosion treatment measures along the Murray River.

The Murray River is a significant and important part of the Shire of Murray’s natural assets.

The Foreshore Stabilisation Guidelines document assists the Shire of Murray and landowners in planning for foreshore stabilisation treatment responses for typical situations where stabilisation and rehabilitation is required.

The guidelines have been developed in line with the best practice methods currently implemented within the Swan and Canning River catchments as well as the river foreshore stabilisation and restoration techniques used nationally and internationally.

Landowners MUST seek Shire approval prior to any stabilisation treatments commencing.

Best management practices for foreshore stabilisation:

Approaches and decision support framework

Erosion control matting
